Make a Textbox that accepts only numbers
3Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress
Const pstr As String = "0123456789"
If pstr.IndexOf(e.KeyChar) = -1 Then
e.Handled = True
End If
End Sub
If you want to add “.” for exmaple to the combination you can change first line to
Const pstr As String = "0123456789"
Prevent Adding Items to combobox
0Private Sub ComboBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs)
e.KeyChar = ChrW(0)
End Sub
Clearing all textboxes on a Form
0Do you have a form that has a lot of textboxes?
do you want to clear all those textboxes for example when there is a new?
this is the old scenario:
TextBox1.Text = ""
TextBox2.Text = ""
TextBox3.Text = ""
TextBox4.Text = ""
TextBox5.Text = ""
this is my idea:
Sub ClearForm(ByVal frm_name As Form)
Dim Contrl As Control
For Each Contrl In frm_name.Controls
If (TypeOf Contrl Is TextBox) Then Contrl.Text = ""
Next Contrl
End Sub
this is my friend samir ibrahim‘s idea, compatible with “.net framework 3.5 +”
For Each _Ctrl As Control In Me.Controls.OfType(Of TextBox)()
_Ctrl.Text = ""
The second idea is more optimized with same result.
Of course my idea is cooler because i made it
you just need to pass the form name to the function & it will clear the form for you, this will save your fingers extensive redundant typing
Single Field to Multiple Rows
1You want your field from all in one field
(No column name)
to become separate rows like below?
then use script below..
declare @toRowXML xml SET @toRowXML = '<b><x>'+replace('Mike,Joe,Jerry,Ben',',','</x><x>')+'</x></b>' SELECT @toRowXML SELECT rtrim(ltrim(toRow.value('.','nvarchar(100)'))) as NAME from @toRowXML.nodes('/b/x') as t(toRow)
Random your data using Order by NEWID()
0This is not a new technology but I just would like to share or refresh your memory.
is used to randomly sorting query result.
it’s good if you would like to pick randomly few selected data for example : the lucky winner, the lucky customer, etc
if you want to random all of them then the query would look like this
but imagine if you would only take one data from 500K rows you have. It would take quite some time. them don’t retrieve all of them
How to Insert from other table that already exists
0The basic Insert statement is.
CREATE TABLE Customer ( ID int identity(1,1), CustomerName varchar(30), Address varchar(100), Phone varchar (100) ) INSERT INTO Customer (CustomerName, Address, Phone)
How about you want to put or just copy some of the data from other table to this Customer Table?
INSERT INTO Customer (CustomerName, Address, Phone) SELECT CustomerName, Address, Phone From OldCustomer
In above query you’ll insert your customer table with data from OldCustomer table with ID less than 50 (0-49).
How about if you just want to create a replication of a table with data type?
SELECT * INTO newTable FROM OldTable You don’t need to create the table first. Cause on select into statement the create table is already done then the insertion. SELECT * INTO Customer FROM OldCustomer How about if you just want to create a replication of some column in a table and columns’ data type? SELECT CustomerName, Phone INTO Customer FROM OldCustomer And if there are needs to use join or where clause just use it as you need it. example : SELECT A.CustomerName, A.Phone, B.City INTO Customer FROM OldCustomer A JOIN City B On A.CityID= B.CityID WHERE City LIKE ':%' INSERT INTO Customer (CustomerName, Address, Phone) SELECT CustomerName, Address, Phone From OldCustomer A JOIN City B On A.CityID= B.CityID Where A.ID > 50 AND City LIKE 'L%'
Where ID > 50
values ('Jane', 'anywhere street', '9097655')
Coalesce another IsNull method
0COALESCE ( expression [ ,...n ] )
Coalesce is Equivalent with
CASE WHEN (expression1 IS NOT NULL) THEN expression1 WHEN (expression2 IS NOT NULL) THEN expression2 … ELSE expressionN END
My little experiment with coalesce
SET @exp2 = NULLSET @i = null
SELECT COALESCE (@i + ‘ more;’, ‘It”s Null’) –result [It’s Null]
SELECT COALESCE (@i , ‘ more;’, ‘Stranger’) –result [ more;]
SELECT COALESCE (@i , @exp2, ‘Stranger’) –result [Stranger]SET @i = ‘Something’
SELECT COALESCE (@i + ‘ more;’, ‘It”s Null’) –result [Something more;]
SELECT COALESCE (@i , ‘ more;’, ‘Stranger’) –result [Something]
SELECT COALESCE (@i , @exp2 , ‘Stranger’) –result [Something]
As you see if I use case and combine it with null function it’ll need more than one line. Coalesce is very useful and helpful in above case.
More about insert statement
0I’ve wandered in some forums I’ve found another way to insert multiple data.
INSERT INTO TableName (Col1, Col2) VALUES (1, 'John'); INSERT INTO TableName (Col1, Col2) VALUES (2, 'Mike'); INSERT INTO TableName (Col1, Col2) VALUES (3, 'Jane');
another way I found
INSERT INTO TableName (Col1, Col2) SELECT 1 , 'John' UNION ALL SELECT 2 , 'Mike' UNION ALL SELECT 3 , 'Jane' --only in SQL Server 2008 INSERT INTO TableName (Col1, Col2) VALUES (1, 'John'), (2, 'Mike'), (3, 'Jane')
Find Character occurrence in String
0I made this query to answer a challenge given from a programming forum. After the query is done I realized that I’ve made a mistake. And it was quite a mistake. The challenge ask you to list all the character that occur in sequence. What I made is a query to list the most sequential occurrence character..
I know this query is far from perfect. But just let me share it with you.
this is the data source
Data ------------------------------------ 9992EDC6-D117-4DEE-B410-4E5FAE46AE97 0BFC936B-BD9A-4C6A-AFB2-CF3F1752F8B1 4A73E7EB-7777-4A04-9258-F1E75097977C 5AAF477C-274D-400D-9067-035968F33B19 725DA718-30D0-44A9-B36A-89F27CDFEEDE 8083ED5A-D3B9-4694-BB04-F0B09C588888 22244444-43B9-4694-BB04-F0B098888888
expected result :
Data pattern len pattern2 len2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9992EDC6-D117-4DEE-B410-4E5FAE46AE97 999 3 NULL NULL 0BFC936B-BD9A-4C6A-AFB2-CF3F1752F8B1 NULL NULL NULL NULL 4A73E7EB-7777-4A04-9258-F1E75097977C 7777 4 NULL NULL 5AAF477C-274D-400D-9067-035968F33B19 AA 2 NULL NULL 725DA718-30D0-44A9-B36A-89F27CDFEEDE 44 2 NULL NULL 8083ED5A-D3B9-4694-BB04-F0B09C588888 88888 5 NULL NULL 22244444-43B9-4694-BB04-F0B098888888 8888888 7 NULL NULL DATA Char Pos Len ------------------------------------------------------------ 9992EDC6-D117-4DEE-B410-4E5FAE46AE97 9 1 3 0BFC936B-BD9A-4C6A-AFB2-CF3F1752F8B1 NULL NULL NULL 4A73E7EB-7777-4A04-9258-F1E75097977C 7 10 4 5AAF477C-274D-400D-9067-035968F33B19 A 2 2 725DA718-30D0-44A9-B36A-89F27CDFEEDE 4 15 2 8083ED5A-D3B9-4694-BB04-F0B09C588888 8 32 5 22244444-43B9-4694-BB04-F0B098888888 8 30 7
My query
Create table #t (Data VARCHAR(40), pattern varchar(50), [len] int, pattern2 varchar(50), len2 int ) INSERT #t (Data) SELECT '9992EDC6-D117-4DEE-B410-4E5FAE46AE97' INSERT #t (Data) SELECT '0BFC936B-BD9A-4C6A-AFB2-CF3F1752F8B1' INSERT #t (Data) SELECT '4A73E7EB-7777-4A04-9258-F1E75097977C' INSERT #t (Data) SELECT '5AAF477C-274D-400D-9067-035968F33B19' INSERT #t (Data) SELECT '725DA718-30D0-44A9-B36A-89F27CDFEEDE' INSERT #t (Data) SELECT '8083ED5A-D3B9-4694-BB04-F0B09C588888' INSERT #t (Data) SELECT '22244444-43B9-4694-BB04-F0B098888888' select * from #t declare @pattern varchar(20) set @pattern = null declare @maxlen int declare @e int declare @i varchar(2) declare @j varchar(2) set @maxlen = (select MAX(len(data)) from #t) print @maxlen declare @q nvarchar(4000) set @i = 1 set @j = 2 while (@i < 36) begin print @i set @q = ' update #t set pattern = right(isnull(pattern,''''),isnull(len(pattern),1)-1) + SUBSTRING(data, '+@i+', 1) + SUBSTRING(Data,'+@j+',1) where SUBSTRING(data, '+@i+', 1) = SUBSTRING(Data,'+@j+',1) and RIGHT(ISNULL(pattern, SUBSTRING(Data,'+@i+',1)),1) = SUBSTRING(Data,'+@i+',1) and isnull(substring(data, '+@i+'-[len]+1, 1),SUBSTRING(data, '+@i+', 1)) = SUBSTRING(data, '+@i+', 1) update #t set pattern2 = right(isnull(pattern2,''''),isnull(len(pattern2),1)-1) + SUBSTRING(data, '+@i+', 1) + SUBSTRING(Data,'+@j+',1) where SUBSTRING(data, '+@i+', 1) = SUBSTRING(Data,'+@j+',1) and RIGHT(ISNULL(pattern2, SUBSTRING(Data,'+@i+',1)),1) = SUBSTRING(Data,'+@i+',1) and isnull(substring(data, '+@j+'-[len2]+1, 1), SUBSTRING(data, '+@i+', 1)) = SUBSTRING(data, '+@i+', 1) and [len] != 0 update #t set [len] = len(pattern), len2 = len(pattern2) update #t set [pattern] = [pattern2], [len]= len2, pattern2 = NULL where len2 > [len] and SUBSTRING(data, '+@j+', 1) <> SUBSTRING(data, '+@j+'+1, 1) update #t set [pattern2] = NULL, [len2]= NULL where SUBSTRING(data, '+@j+', 1) <> SUBSTRING(data, '+@j+'+1, 1) ' print @q exec SP_executesql @q set @i +=1 set @j +=1 end select * from #t select DATA, LEFT(pattern,1) AS 'Char', PATINDEX('%'+pattern+'%', DATA) AS Pos, [Len] from #t
Basically what I am trying to do is compare the char with the following char. And Keep the pattern and if I found another sequential occurrence the most frequent will be recorded.
Create temporary table in dynamic query
0there are cases when you are forced to create temporary table in dynamic query.
below is sample of creating temporary then select it in dynamic query.
declare @tableName varchar(30) set @tableName = 'TableB' declare @query nvarchar(4000) set @query = 'CREATE TABLE #'+@tableName+' ( id int, data varchar(30) ) insert into #'+@tableName+' values(1, ''Me'') SELECT * from #'+@tableName exec sp_executesql @query